It is no secret that college football is a big business. Universities and their athletic programs make millions of dollars every year, and the coaches are often paid more than professors. With so much money on the line, it is no wonder that scandals seem to follow this sport like a bad penny. 

The latest scandal to rock the world of college football is the investigation into Arizona State University. Here’s more information about other recent controversies as well as a breakdown of how the investigation unfolded, why it matters, and what could happen next: 

Top College Football Controversies of the Past Decade 

In 2010, the University of Oregon was accused of paying a recruiting service $25,000 to help land star player Lache Seastrunk. After nearly three years of investigations and negotiations, the NCAA and the University of Oregon reached an agreement over recruiting violations. The team’s head coach at the time of the scandal, Chip Kelly, had already moved on to greener pastures, landing a job in the NFL after the 2012 season. 

The NCAA punishment amounted to a slap on the wrist. Oregon merely lost a scholarship each season for 3 years while on probation. The school avoided being banned from bowl eligibility and other more extreme penalties. 

In 2011, the University of Miami was embroiled in a scandal involving a booster who allegedly provided improper benefits to players. University of Miami booster Nevin Shapira was sentenced to 20 years in prison for securities fraud and money laundering in 2011. He also claimed to have provided benefits to 72 athletes across various sports at the university that violated NCAA regulations. 

Miami ordered a self-imposed ban on bowl participation for two years and reduced official paid visits for the following school year. These, along with some additional self-imposed penalties, helped UM earn lesser sanctions from the NCAA. NCAA sanctions included loss of scholarships and three years on probation. 

In 2013, Auburn University was accused of changing grades to keep players eligible. The grade changes were just one violation among a string of other accusations levied against the school and (now former) head coach Gene Chizik. However, nothing seems to have come of the allegations. The NCAA investigated and was unable to find enough evidence to justify handing down sanctions. 

However, Auburn is not completely in the clear. In 2021, a former Auburn employee sued the school. The individual alleged discrimination and accused the athletic department of pulling strings to have a player’s grade changed to allow him to play in a bowl game. 

Understanding the Investigation into Arizona State University 

The investigation into Arizona State University began in the summer of 2021, when an anonymous whistleblower sent a dossier of photos, emails, and receipts related to potential NCAA violations in the ASU athletic department. The initial violations were related to reports that ASU head coach Herm Edwards and other coaches hosted top high school recruits in 2020 and early 2021 during the national COVID-19 “dead period.” 

What has been unusual in the ASU investigation is the breadth of the violations and the brazen rule-breaking that is being alleged. Sources claim that as many as 30 players visited the ASU campus, each a violation. Additionally, the tours were often conducted in public, with little attempt to hide what was taking place. 

What We Can Expect Moving Forward 

The outcome of this investigation will have major implications for college football moving forward. If the allegations against Coach Edwards are substantiated, then he will likely be fired and the program placed on probation. This would be a major blow for ASU, which has been one of the most successful programs in the state in recent years. 

So far, two coaches have resigned in the wake of the scandal: assistant head coach Antonio Pierce, who was also acting as Defensive Coordinator and Recruiting Coordinator, along with Offensive Coordinator Zak Hill. This leaves only Head Coach Herm Edwards and Athletic Director Ray Anderson as high-ranking members of ASU’s football hierarchy still working at the institution. 

If history is any indicator, this investigation will likely drag out over the 2022-23 season before findings are released and sanctions handed down. When that time comes, further resignations and firings seem likely. 

Why It Matters 

This scandal has the potential to change the landscape of college football moving forward. If the allegations against Coach Edwards are found to be true, it could set a precedent for other coaches who are engaged in similar activities. Additionally, this scandal could lead to more stringent rules and regulations being put in place to prevent future recruiting scandals from occurring. 

It is also possible that this scandal could lead to further investigations into other programs and coaches. Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: the world of college football is once again being rocked by scandal.