2023 Commencement Speech

Good morning / afternoon. Welcome families and friends and a special welcome to all the mothers, on this mothers’ day weekend.   

Graduates, today marks a momentous milestone in your lives. I am honored to share in your celebration.   

Your journey has been a challenging one, your first year of college was hallmarked by a global pandemic. It would have been easy to give up and stop out! you did not!!!! 

Each of you exhibited tremendous resilience, and today would not be possible without such resolve.  

I have often said: You education is the one thing no one can ever take away from you.  

 Nelson Mandela said it much more eloquently “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” … 

 So graduates, never underestimate the power of your Bloomsburg education. Your degree will open doors for you that you never thought possible. Your degree is more than a piece of paper. It is a symbol of your hard work, dedication, and intelligence. It represents sacrifices, the juggling of multiple responsibilities, and the choice to prioritize your future over current day distractions. 

As Bloomsburg students you were surrounded by a community of people who believed in you. Your friends and families who are here to celebrate you,  

your professors who challenged you to think critically and creatively.  

Your classmates who supported you through the ups and downs of college life.  

And your friends who helped create memories that will last a lifetime. 

As you leave us today, remember that success, measured only by academic achievements and career accomplishments, is empty and superficial without strength of character. 

Character is something that you develop over time. Character is built through your experiences, your relationships, and your choices. As you go through life, make choices that will strengthen your character.  

Choose to be honest, even when it is hard.  

Choose to be kind, even when it is not reciprocated.  

Choose to be responsible, even when it is inconvenient.  

Make choices and stand up for what you believe in, even in the face of adversity.  

Your unique character is what will guide you through life’s journey. It will set you apart and make you successful in all aspects of our lives. Embrace the choices you make today, for they shape the person you become tomorrow. Choose wisely, but never forget to be humble. 

As you venture out into the world, remember that your purpose is essential, both personally and professionally. It is up to you to use your unique skills and talents that you acquired here, to make a positive impact on the world. Rely upon your education to solve problems, use your talents to help others, and your voice to make a difference. Speak up for what you believe in. Give back. Pay it forward. Be a force for a better tomorrow. 

To quote the late supreme court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”  

As you say goodbye to the conveniences and comforts of your college life, remember that life is full of challenges, and that you are not alone, because TODAY, you will become Husky ALUMNI! Never be afraid to ask for help. You are an integral part of a pack, a community of 80,000 individuals who have the strength, resilience, and camaraderie to overcome any obstacle. This strength is what makes us great, and it will carry you forward in your journey well beyond you alma mater days.  

We are YOUR pack, and we will always be here for YOU! 

Graduates, I am so proud of you! The world needs you. You are the future. Go make a difference in everything you do. Each of you has the potential to be EXTRAORDNARY in your own way. So go be extraordinary.  

Thank you.